ultramarine flycatcher câu
Over there, third shelf, between the vermillion and the ultramarine.Đằng đó, kệ thứ ba, giữa cái màu đỏ son và màu xanh biển ấy. This t...

Grey-headed canary-flycatcher (Culicicapaceylonensis)Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher-Đớp ruồi đầu xám (Culicicapa ceylonensis) Grey-head...

Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrikesTên tiếng anh: Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike Indian pitta Bar-winged flycatcher-shrikeTên tiếng anh: Bar-wi...

royal flycatcher
Onychorhynchus occidentalis Pacific royal flycatcher Western Ecuador and far north-western PeruOnychorhynchus occidentalis Chim đớp ruồ...

willow flycatcher
A willow flycatcher was also heard.Ngay cả một con muỗi bay qua cũng nghe được nữa.

amazonian royal flycatcher
Onychorhynchus coronatus Amazonian royal flycatcher Amazon basin in northern Bolivia, eastern Peru, eastern Ecuador, eastern Colombia, ...

asian brown flycatcher
Asian Brown FlycatchersTên Tiếng anh: Asian Brown Flycatcher Asian brown flycatcherTên Tiếng anh: Asian Brown Flycatcher Asian brown fl...

bar-winged flycatcher-shrike
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrikesTên tiếng anh: Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike Indian pitta Bar-winged flycatcher-shrikeTên tiếng anh: Bar-wi...

brown-streaked flycatcher
It includes the Brown-streaked Flycatcher, which is sometimes considered a distinct species Muscicapa williamsoni.Nó bao gồm các Đớp ru...

european pied flycatcher
The researchers analyzed abundant bird species such as the common magpie and the European pied flycatcher, which are known to have deve...

grey-headed canary-flycatcher
Grey-headed canary-flycatcher (Culicicapaceylonensis)Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher-Đớp ruồi đầu xám (Culicicapa ceylonensis) Grey-head...

northern royal flycatcher
Onychorhynchus mexicanus Northern royal flycatcher Mexico, south through most of Central America, to north-western Colombia and far wes...

old world flycatcher
They were formerly classified in the thrush family (Turdidae), but are now known to be part of the Old World flycatcher family Muscicap...